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25 years of transportation

Friday, November 8, 2019

Provide 25 years of internal transport at Lentink.


“Easy Riding” at Lentink in Varsseveld for 25 years

On November 1, 2019, it was 25 years ago that our colleague René Spronk joined us.







Started in the press department, René has now been driving the (plate) assembly department on his forklift truck for a number of years.

He is also a welcome colleague: if he does not deliver and pick up the products on time, then everything will stop in his department at a given moment.

Our forklift drivers drive in various places in our production and therefore have daily contact with many of our colleagues.

Reason to celebrate this anniversary with cakes for everyone who works at Lentink.

Naturally, René personally also received a suitable bonus from the management.







René again via this way:

"thanks for your efforts in the last 25 years and we hope to see you driving through our production for a long time"!